Monday, April 1, 2019

Book 35 of 130 - Saffron Kent, The Unrequited

You have read 35 books of 130 books."

Book Info: Saffron Kent, The Unrequited
Dates read: March 27, 2019 - March 29, 2019
Your rating: ⭐⭐⭐

Recommendation level: Eh... I didn't love it

I didn't like it. I hate when that happens because I love books. Let me say, it was FULL of lust and sex and it was extremely descriptive and graphic - but that's not what I didn't like about it! If you're into that whole 'broken man is terrible and mean to female protagonist just because he's broken so that makes it OK' - than by all means.

I'm not a prude, I'm not against lust filled novels with graphic descriptions. HOWEVER - the guy was awful.

Thomas is a poet gone professor because of personal circumstances. He's brooding and rude and just unhappy most of the time. Layla, our protagonist, is young SO YOUNG. She's inexperienced and quite frankly, not very bright. I didn't enjoy their story. I didn't enjoy the fact that she has zero backbone, even when 'she did,' it was like, 'eh, not really.'

I wish I would have loved it more but I really just didn't. That's all I got folks!

Book 34 of 130 - Tarryn Fisher, Atheists Who Kneel and Pray

You have read 34 books of 130 books."

Book Info: Tarryn Fisher, Atheists Who Kneel and Pray
Dates read: March 26, 2019 - March 27, 2019
Your rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Recommendation level: I loved it but it took me some time but I loved it, I can see how someone may not love it but I still recommend it... Wow, that was a lot...

This book may not be everyone's cup of tea. In fact, when I started it and kept digging deeper, I wondered if it was even my cup of tea. Yet, at some point, can't even tell you when, I thought, 'Whoa, I totally could've been Yara.'

So, Yara is our protagonist. She is a person who'd prefer move around than stay grounded to avoid closeness, love, and eventual hurt. So she disappears. Yara meets David, a musician in need of a muse. He is insistent of Yara needing to play that role in his life. He is awestruck by her since day one. This seems to be Yara's MO - meet an artist, have said artist fall in love with her, and then dip out before the going gets tough. She LITERALLY dips out - like to another country.

Yara is damaged, she makes David damaged. She does a whole lot of damaging throughout the book (it's exhausting). I realized while reading that had I not been grounded by love or maybe other circumstances in my own life, in my mid-20's (the age of Yara), I totally could have been just like her. Even in my mid-20's I had preferred avoidance instead of argument or feelings or drama. I'm not near being Yara anymore in the least bit but I did start to really feel for her and relate to her.

David is addicted to Yara. Addiction is probably more powerful than love. You never get cured from an addition, it's a disease. Even when an addict isn't using, they are still an addict. David just couldn't move past this addiction, he couldn't put it to bed.

This ended up being a beautiful read but it took a rough patch to get there.

Who's playing the characters? I pick Dove Cameron for Yara and let's give her her real-life guy for David, Thomas Doherty

What was I drinking? Starbucks double-shot espresso with cream...this book made me sad sometimes, this drink makes me happy!

What was I listening to? Tarryn Fisher (the amazing author) made an AMAZING playlist on Spotify called" Yara's Yesterday" and like hello, an author after my heart! Full immersion!!

Favorite quotes (there's more but...spoilers):

"I'm obsessed with you. I'm fascinated by the fact that I'm obsessed with you. This has never happened to me before."

"Once I'd set my mind to something I stuck with it. A determined loyalist even when it hurt my pride."

"When there's chemistry you can't stop the reaction."

"There is no moving on when you're truly in love. You try and you keep trying, but that love is a stain on your life."

"There was just something. I looked and I knew. That's not happened to me before, so I decided to explore it."

"This is the most beautiful my life has ever been."

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Book 33 of 130 - Jessica Park, 180 Seconds

I've been inspired

I've been on a book reading journey for many MANY years but recently I had a whole lot of people tell me, "Jackie - make this a thing!" This wasn't their exact words but, you know, paraphrasing. So I decided YES I DECIDED, to start this thing. The thing is to talk to the lovely folks of the blogosphere about my obsession. Besides my little human and my husband - I am OBSESSED with reading books! I literally can't stop. I don't think it's a problem, but I'm sure some important people in my life may think so. I relate to Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast (my kids 3 guys - so I may reference Disney movies a whole lot). I read whenever I can, I wake up hours earlier than the rest of my family to read, I take books with me in the bathroom, if my daughter is distracted playing or eating or drinking, I'm reading. I get so consumed by my books that I can't stop. It's more than a hobby, it's really become a lifestyle and well, that's what has led me here. 

I notice myself lately, when I talk about my books, I get consumed in my descriptions. I start to think what should people be drinking while they read this book, what type of music should they listen to, I love a book that's made into a movie (because then my husband will sit and watch with me and I can give him the inside scoop) - so I think, who can star in this book if it was made into a movie/tv show. I store favorite quotes from books, for what you say, who knows? They captivate me, they change me, I keep them as my little book mementos to remind myself of the beautiful words someone has written...maybe not all beautiful, some words are just 'get your rear into motion' type of words that motivate you to do more. I'm all about those words, nice words, all words - especially if they're nicely stored into an all-consuming novel.

This year I gave myself a challenge. I would read 130 books in 1 year. It is now March 26th and I am on book 34. Book 33 inspired me to move forward with this blog. If you ever read the book, you'll know why. I want to bring people to books and I want to bring books to people. I want to inspire others to read and be fully immersed in their experience. I also want an outlet to speak freely about my thoughts and share my insights. So here goes nothing, my Reading Challenge Accepted - the book that made it happen:

"You have read 33 books of 130 books."

Book Info: Jessica Park, 180 Seconds
Dates read: March 24, 2019 - March 25, 2019
Your rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Recommendation level: HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

So I just finished reading 180 Seconds by Jessica Park, and I am SO GLAD that it got me out of a small funk. I had read a few books recently that were dimming my book reading sparkle. Come on authors, get it together! Just kidding - total respect for the craft! However, I needed a boost. So I went over to my Aunt's Goodreads page and knew I'd find my next greatest hit there. Lo and behold - 180 Seconds came and smacked me in the face.

This book, oh this book. It gives you all the feels. Allison is a true introvert but with every right. She grew up in foster care and didn't get adopted until way later in life. This has thoroughly affected Allison although, all in all, her life turned out pretty alright. Her adoptive father, Simon, is INCREDIBLE. The parent dream, the parent we all hope to be!

Back to Allison - she has little to no confidantes. A girl who has crippling social anxiety and would prefer just be alone in her college dorm. Her one true friend is a former foster care soul sister - Steffi. Steffi is tough and doesn't care - she is who Allison needs and wants, her strength.

By happenstance, Allison meets Esben. I must admit - really hard for me to stick to that name (Kept wanting to say Esteban - i'm so hispanic #eyeroll). Esben is a life changer, he really is. He does these crazy social experiments that really move people and make them feel better about themselves. He does this all to heal his own 'demons.' Allison finds herself taking part in a 180-second social experiment with Esben where they see right through to each others core.

This book really moved me. I finished it in ONE DAY. You guys, I am a family woman and a professional woman. I've got a job, a husband, a toddler, a family, a little bit of a life! I finished this book REALLY QUICK because I was consumed by the story.

So who did I think of this whole time while reading, besides a work colleague who I know will TOTALLY love this book... I thought of - NOAH CENTINEO! I demand him to get this made into a Netflix move and I demand him to PLAY ESBEN!!! Can we get that hashtag started - make a movement out of this #noahcentineoisesben Let's do this! If you have seen any of Noah's other movies on Netflix, you would know exactly what I'm talking about.

There are books like these that, as a mom of a 3-year old, give me hope that there's good in the world...specifically, there is good on social media. My kid is growing up in an age where she will more than likely have a phone and social media accounts before she knows how to fully operate a remote control for a TV! (Am I being dramatic? Maybe, but you know what I mean.) I love books that give me hope as a parent and as a human being. This book did that and so much more! So thank you Jessica Park for a lovely read!

Who's playing the characters? I already told you, Noah Centineo. I kept thinking, well maybe Zoey Deutch for Allison but that's mainly because I recently saw that Netflix original with her and Lucy Liu and the characters seemed to kind of match. Yes? No? Maybe? That one wasn't as clear to me as NOAH CENTINEO AS ESBEN - MAKE IT A THING PEOPLE!!

What was I drinking? In the evenings, I found myself in the mood for a vodka soda with lime. In the mornings, a cortadito (but let's be real - I literally always want a cortadito!)

What was I listening to? Lots of Dave Matthews Band!!!

Favorite quotes (there's more but...spoilers):

"It's going to hurt until it doesn't anymore."

"Sometimes the unexpected happens. Sometimes, someone makes you break your own rules."

"I love meeting strangers, learning about what's beyond first glance. Discovering everyone has a hidden story, a reason for this behavior."